Godwin maduagwu gay sex video

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“You guys should just pity me now, Please. Now who is now trending and who is now losing? How do you expect me to make a video that will destroy my life and everything? How do you guys want me to feel? How do you expect me to feed or survive? “Now, if people book me for a job, the company or brand would see Godwin Maduagu and they would say no, we can’t use this boy. You know as a public figure you have to have money to take care of some personal expenses. “I have not been getting jobs, I am getting broke. I thought I have moved on and everybody has moved on. He said: ”I am not happy because you guys are frustrating my life because I am getting depressed already. Maduagwu in the video said the scandal has made him become broke as he has lost many job opportunities, adding that many companies have refused to work with him. Naija News understands that the Nollywood actor took to his Instagram account to appeal to Nigerians to stop frustrating him, noting that he feels like committing suicide as he currently deals with the effect of the scandal.

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Nigerian film actor, Godwin Maduagu whose alleged gay sex tape leaked on the internet last month lamented over lost job opportunities.

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